Thursday, March 09, 2006


This may surprise you gals...what the heck is this girl talking about?Well to make this a little more entertaining i decided to publish a series of post here...from the author of How do i love comes how do i look bi?

How do i look bi? How i wished you know your Bi..the Rain that i am talking too? everyone wants to know how you will react or how you will smile everytime you see our forever happy face just imagining seeing you in front of me...

How do i look bi? You might laugh at my face hearing me utter these phrase... gigle will surely be in the air knowing how contagious those laughs will be. A loving laugh that people wished can be a hugging laugh after (meaning Bi hugging me). Rain o Rain whether the weather is cold or hot still you will always be my everloving Rain that fills my heart with joy and laughter with much excitement and color to my black and white life.A MISSING PUZZLE THAT HAD BEEN FOUND...

How do i look Bi? I may look harmful but in reality im harmless! A dagger look may appear whenever i see you with someone im not ready for to accept...a face that will give shiver to other people but when you look at me anytime...any hour of the day you can see the smile in me. do i look? It may be a good question coz you will never want to hear more of the praises for yourself... answer me...hope you can read english! Though you cant read english i bet my bi can always have the eyes for this...and answer me

1 comment:

Mayet said...

hi! i bloghopped from ate marissa's blog. so nice to see fellow k-series/celebrities--- addict :) Bi's cute. Love him in Full House.