Friday, September 01, 2006

what kind of comedy show am i

Charity, you're most like Seinfeld

"Yadda yadda yadda." From soup to smelly cars, this classic show turned everyday things into gut-splitting moments. Like Seinfeld, you see the world in your own unique and sometimes cynical way. For something to really strike your funny bone, it should have a slightly ironic flavor or at least be a bit offbeat.Perceptive and smart, you know real life truly is stranger than fiction. Friends love to hear your clever observations and appreciate your ability to turn even the dullest of moments into a laugh-track worthy experience. And that — like a Festivus for the rest of us — is certainly something to celebrate!


Anonymous said...

Seinfield is one of my all time favorite comedy. Love the quirkiness of the show..hahaha.

Kim ^^

charity said...

hmmm if thatso.. can you feel the seinfield thing in me?